KCSO is a non profit organisation Reg CIC No. 09246643

Welcome To
Monkey Chat

Monkey Chat is an inbuilt social communications tool which allows one user to talk to another user in total safety. This is done via a chat with pre-set questions and answers which allows no free writing. This not only enhances social inclusion and teaches online safety but it is also providing your children with the correct skills that are needed to communicate safely and securely online. This prepares them for their future on social media websites such as Facebook or Twitter. As well as being a totally safe environment for all children it is also ideal for SEN (Special Education Needs) as no keyboard is required and therefore it doesn’t leave users open to unwanted attention or grooming.

In the future we aim to progress by adding a variety of languages, so not only are your children chatting in total security, learning about online safety and being shown how to securely communicate via social media, but Monkey Chat will also promote language learning as all our questions and answers will be accurately translated into a number of different languages using our patented translation tool.

By signing up to Monkey Chat for only £3 a month, not only will your children receive a full year of safe social networking but they’ll also get a FREE membership to our fantastic Jungle Club. With this you will receive your own special certificate, our quarterly newsletter, invitations to all our events, a ‘Kiddie Resource Pack’ with fun safety information for your children, games, puzzles AND colourings!

Parents, now that your children are fully equipped for their virtual jungle journey we would like to inform you that the money for this amazing network and club membership goes towards the continuous improvement of our website which involves new educational and exciting upgrades on Monkey Chat, the production of our online safety resource packs and our online safety workshops for primary schools. With your £3 a month we are helping to Keep Children Safe Online worldwide via the website and locally through our workshops – Thank you.

We hope that you can now sit back and relax knowing that your children are chatting away in total safety.